Funny thing, beautiful people are everywhere online - Friendster, Facebook. Coincidentally, they all start with F.
F for frivolous self indulgence.
F for flashy photos.
F for everyone's favorite friend.
F for finding so-called friends friends.
So I declare right here, I've no issues with people signing up for the sake of finding long-lost friends, secondary school classmates, college buddies but I am NOT intrigued by it. The network is all inter-linked (what with globalisation and localisation), I do not think I've enough a lifetime to connect to everyone. As long as I keep all my loved ones close to me, the rest - superpoking and vampire bites is just...*rolls eyes*
I have a crazy desire - to be funny. Like as in funny funny person. Unlike singing, you do not need to have a talent to tickle. You just need to be observant + hard work; then observe more + more hard work. Humour gets through everything, after all life is hard enough, why make it harder by being that serious? Think Light. Coca Cola light. Whisper Ultra Light. =P
All the past 1 week of studying makes me dull but after watching 有话好好说 3 - Chiang Mai (Part I), I've a sudden urge to buy MobTV package. Just sit at my desk laugh until I cry, cry until I laugh, laugh and cry watching re-runs of 李国煌 singing/ bargaining in Thai. I am good without jokes but better when I am joking. Since I'll not be able to enjoy 'golden hours' variety shows soon, I am watching as much as I can now. Better go *HUG* my tv now!
Chilli Licking Good
A typical carnivore face
We paid a hefty S$100+ (includ 7% GST) dinner buffet at Carnivore previous Friday. Brazilian looking waiters serving up honeyed ham, crispy chicken thigh, too-dry-beef and mostly chicken heart!!! *bop bop bop They salted eggs. URGH. I am never going to eat another chicken heart in my entire life.
Hunky Grandpa and lovely Grandma
Shi Ting: Light those candles again or I'm going to cry
Gatsby new model - Jody Cham
Following shortly after my paternal Grandpa, we've celebrated my maternal Grandpa's 70th birthday last Sunday at his house in Bukit Batok. Funnily, I noticed all Z Gen toddlers likes to crowd around the birthday girl/boy with only 1 thing on their mind - to blow out the candles before the birthday person do. 1 candle lit, 1 candle blown. Note their expression when they think its their birthday. Everything they do, they do it for cake. Muahaha.
Its all about the money,
its all about the dum dum duh dee dum dum
My bum is swollen from sitting on the carpeted floor. A half-Alan-Tam, half-Laughing-Buddha man walks in and sat down. 240 minutes later, I realized money is not evil. Money can be use to do good, if you think good. If you are good.
The elderly Alan Tam lookalike believed in not botox but preached about love. Rational makes you think but emotions make one act. I expected it to be a boring sales pitch of a idle millionaire who had to drag me back on my precious Saturday evening to accompany him, to hear him speak. Strangely, I saw through this facade but didn't resist to run..i thought to myself what harm does it do to stay on for free refreshments, pretty faces and entertainment.
Half-Laughing-Buddha has a short tongue that pronounced my lovely Prada as 'Prata' and cake as 'kick'.
B: It is so romantic when a boy traveled all the way from Tampines to the Jurong West to give his girlfriend a kick..
C: KICK? That is SO not romantic right. Everyone was silent but I burst out laughing. If he pursue it, I could have left earlier. DAMN..
B: I stepped into the Prata shop with my wife. She pick up a bag and being Singaporean, unzip the bag and reaches for the price tag.
C: *thinks* Buang sells bags instead of dough, what is this? Mummmbai dey, India..? HAHA then i realised he was referring to PRADA not PRATA. Muahahha
Me and Juston in Phuket
ro·man·tic\ [roh-man-tik]\ -adjective
Standing from the HDB rooftop and confessing my love to the world about how you taught me to see things from a different perspective.
Juston brings out the best in me and coming from past relationships, I should know better. When the time is right, I know this is the man I want to marry. I am direct like that, so sue me!
Me, Dearest Grandpa and my cousin, Yvonne
Happy 94th Birthday, 爷爷! Unfortunately, it was the only photo that I took over birthday-cum-sunday brunch at Ah Yat Abalone, Turf City with my paternal family. These rare family get-togethers like this happens only on 4 occasions, namely
1) My Grandpa's birthday
2) Lunar Chinese New Year
3) Dad's Company Annual Dinner
4) Wedding dinners of some niece,nephew..
The luxury of seeing them in a blue moon means never running out of topics aka "gossips". Weight gain, work, boyfriends..yada yada.I detested such meaningless outing in the past but lately, i secretly start to enjoy juicy snippets of my other uncle's shot-gun marriage (what else but pre-marital preganancy), cousin's hushed ROM..Everyone still presume she is single although lawfully, shes married! haha She just don't want to live a conventional life like others.
Its not just the blood that brings a family closer, its the blabber that binds!
Soaring New Heights with my 3 and 1/2 inch heels
Edible Jimmy Choos Candy! They are nice to wear and eat too
Try this next time you are buying heels. Lift up heels and drop it back on level ground. If it wobbles unsteadily, the heel is not well arched. Uneven heels will cause wearer to end up with not only fugly lopsided heel height but calf ache. Fashion police cannot save you from this drastic mistake. Ladies, change your heels or risked being termed Shenton Aunties.
Being in-between jobs means I get lots of free time. Lots of free time channelled to ..
Q: Why do you keep your options SO open?
C: I am ambitious and hate to be stuck, you know trees get stuck. I am not a tree. I am human.
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
C: I am still thinking and growing to be.. Ask me again 3 months later.
Q: Who is your ideal boss?
C: Myself. DUH.
Q: How do you become so obnoxious?
C: Knives are sharp but they are not call obnoxious. I am not a knife but I am nice.
Q: Lastly, tell us did you script your answers?
C: Oh, what makes you say so....I am a nice person you know.
Alot of my friends will shunned me in my new job, this is probably a good time to assess who are my true friends and who are not. Remember that nothing can get worse when you hit rock bottom? This is rock bottom now. So nothing can get worse than rock bottom. Just hang around for a while before I stand on my feet again.
August 30th - I conquered the four-wheel test!
So, who's up for my virgin ride with me?