Unearthing New Horizons
Being in-between jobs means I get lots of free time. Lots of free time channelled to ..
Q: Why do you keep your options SO open?
C: I am ambitious and hate to be stuck, you know trees get stuck. I am not a tree. I am human.
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
C: I am still thinking and growing to be.. Ask me again 3 months later.
Q: Who is your ideal boss?
C: Myself. DUH.
Q: How do you become so obnoxious?
C: Knives are sharp but they are not call obnoxious. I am not a knife but I am nice.
Q: Lastly, tell us did you script your answers?
C: Oh, what makes you say so....I am a nice person you know.
Alot of my friends will shunned me in my new job, this is probably a good time to assess who are my true friends and who are not. Remember that nothing can get worse when you hit rock bottom? This is rock bottom now. So nothing can get worse than rock bottom. Just hang around for a while before I stand on my feet again.
September 18, 2007 at 10:39 AM
It can only get better... top