Salon Hopping
I learned something this month, through the hard way.
1) DO NOT fall asleep during your haircut.They are artists in some sense, they cannot see what you describe. They only see what they think is good for you. So unless you are very good in your vocabulary, I suggest you speak in their language. Even so things will still go wrong. I am so skeptical about salons which hairstylist i choose to go to now. Best bet to bring along a snapshot of that famous celebrity or magazine cutout to help ur stylist to visualize.
2) ALWAYS, I cannot emphasize again, ALWAYS make sure your hairdresser knows what you're talking about.
My hair is a victim of Edward-ScissorsHands-Not. I visited 3 salons to get it to a short bob now. I burnt a hole in my pockets and a gap from shoulder to my hair. Now I can take advantage of the student package buffets, discounted bus and train rides. Maybe Santa Claus will grant me a wish this year, I look like I just graduated from high school.
December 18, 2007 at 1:13 AM
no worries you will still look good. top